Aspen Wellness

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Why Aspen?

Have you ever started a new year or season with a specific word in mind, knowing that it will direct your actions for the upcoming time?

A few years back, the name Aspen kept appearing in various situations; online, movies, even on the lid of a travel coffee cup. The simplicity of the name was appealing but the more that it popped up, the more intrigue it held. Apart from being a type of tree and a location in Colorado, there had to be greater depth as to why the word kept resurfacing. 


After a little research, the Aspen tree appeared to offer much more than what meets the eye.

  • The Aspen tree most often reproduces by root sprouts, connected to a single parent source beneath the ground. (1)

  • Because of the reproduction from root sprouts, one aspen tree is actually only a small part of a larger organism. (3)

  • Aspens have evolved to develop several adaptations that aid their survival in various environments. (1)

  • Aspen forests do not readily burn. Aspen trees have moist green leaves and thick twigs that do not burn easily, unlike conifers, which have dry needles and twigs. Fires sometimes bypass stands of aspen enclosed within coniferous forest. (2)

  • The main life force of this tree is found underground, within the extensive root system. (3)

  • The root system may lie dormant for many years until the conditions are right to reproduce and shoot a trunk above the surface of the ground. (3)

  • Aspen trees are constantly growing, even in winter. Beneath their white outer bark, they possess a thin layer that allows the tree to create sugars when other trees lie dormant for the season. (3)

  • During all seasons they provide nutrients to other wildlife. (3)

  • Aspen wood is adaptable and holds variety of uses (matches, wood for saunas, chopsticks, for ailments). (3)

  • Aspen trees contain a soft wood that is relatively strong. (3)

The question arose, “What would it look like to encourage women on a wellness journey with the concepts of the Aspen tree at the forefront?”


The Aspen tree is an example of a sturdy foundation. Its roots are connected well beneath the ground and without these connections individual trees could not grow. 

Stay connected to like-minded people who will help build a foundation for your health practices. Be mindful of your connections with others and the connections between your thoughts and your actions when it comes to making healthy choices for your body. 

The Aspen tree is adaptable and withstands pressure. This tree will not wither and die when the conditions become more intense than the norm. 

Don’t be rigid in your food or fitness routine, stay adaptable. But remain consistent in making good choices to develop positive habits. When your environment seems to offer situations with which you are unfamiliar, don’t let it throw you off your course. Adapt and regroup.

The Aspen tree is constantly growing, even when it isn’t outwardly visible. 

Give yourself grace, knowing that one positive choice you make in your mind and one follow through in your actions is already pointing you in the right direction. Even if you don’t feel as if you are seeing results, stay the course. Rewards will become evident with continued effort. 

The Aspen tree, when functioning in its original design, allows provision to others as a byproduct. 

Stay true to who you are, be realistic with your current abilities and honor your interests. As you promote healthy living, in whatever way you see fit for you, it will encourage others to do the same. How amazing would it be to promote these tenants to those around you as they journey on the road to wellness?

So today, make the choice to develop or adapt your why for health so that you may become strong, consistently showing growth (as small as you think it may be) and make your plan adaptable for all seasons and situations. There is an evident connection between our bodies, our minds and others. You’ll notice that as you grow, those around you will begin to flourish in ways that may have previously seemed unimaginable. Start your journey today. 



  1. Aspen. (2017, December 11). Retrieved January 05, 2018, from

  2. (n.d.). Retrieved January 05, 2018, from

  3. Tree Profile: Aspen - So Much More Than a Tree. (n.d.). Retrieved January 05, 2018, from